Lauluja ydinsotaa pelkääville
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Ennen joulua oli jonakin päivänä plussan puolella ja lumi puiden oksilta suli ja tippui suurina pisaroina kulkijoiden niskaan. Oli sumua ja jotenkin mahtavaa. Tuli mieleen Helsingin joulun seudun säät ja jotenkin åarijonossa marssivat sotilaat, vanhukset nuorille malliksi, sumuun kadoten, tai kunniavartio. Ja jotenkin tuntui silloin, ettö niin osaa surra ydinpommejakin. Mutten sitä niin hyvin opsannut säveltää.
Miten ihmiset saa käyttäytymään vastuuntuntpoisesti ja ajattelemaan, minkälaisen maailman haluavat jättää jälkipolvilleen, siihen EHKÄ olisi iloa tästä sävelmästäni, mutta luulen, ettei sen vaikutus ole kestävä, enkä tiedä, että miksi.
23.1.2020 Kokeilin joskus tehdä tuohon sanat, mutten osannut sovittaa niitä söveleen.
"Of learning from the nature, please read this:
"I am not sure of this, but my impression
is that each weather, also in widely different climates, is best lived
in a way which you find when you pay central attention to some fine
whole of the nature, like an atmospheric branch in nature, that is
especially spirited in it's view of how to live such wetaher and to
which heights one's wisdom of life, skill, virtues of character and
enjoyment of life could so rise,for example on some animal of the
wilderness, and from siuch viewpoint pay attention to it's view on the
ways of living: that is what is the way of living such wetahers and such
temperatures, maybe such days, evenings, nights & mornings. Follow
that advice and search for a new advice when the weather is clearly
18.3.2020 Kaukaa haetumpaa mahdollisuudesta purkaa ydinpommin tuhoja
28.12.2020 Euroviisuyritelmäni kuoron harmoniasta, josta oppia eri maanosien ihmisten harmoniassa elämistä, kentie ssopisi tähän:
"5th of March 2020 These three parts would beif I remember right: 1. rationally, 2. in practical chores, 3. ideals. I wrote also fourth part and it would be: 4. collecting these to living ordinarily. It is half-notes: E, A, F and C." on
onnistuessaan hyvä keino ja buddhalaisuuteen kuuluva hyvän tahdon
tavoittelu yleensä lieventää konflikteja. Meditaatio-ohje
28. elokuuta 2021 Ydinsodan uhkaa ehkä osaltaan huojentaa tämäkin melodiani.
6.2.2022 Tonttutaitotekstini kohdat J37., J38., J39. ja J51.
J37. 30th of December 2021, I wrote yesterday :
" End of the world
Yesterday and todsy things have seemed to get explained by that there is the end of the world coming next New Year which means two days from now. But if one thinks of continuing having Christmas time like is traditional way to celebrate Christmas time instead of like in the radio foreigners singing the Christmas songs without them having culturally such tradition, then things seem to be ok, peaceful and there seems to be no end of the world coming, just a few more days of Christmas time.
Generally for avoiding an end of the world, one ought to wish well for the whole world, be a positive influence for it, and so if the world is of spirit, it is likely that nothibg dangerous happens to you. Wishing well in a healthy kind of way, living healtjily and morally, beautifully in the spiritual sense, like one who likes music, the beauty of nature, civiliced wisdom. "
J38. 4th of January 2022 I wrote the day before yesterday :
" Mourning an atom bomb dedtruction near one's own loved ones is a big tough thing emotionally and isn't gonna put things right, so further away better to cobcentrate on arranging a good future for the world. Anywsy, in sn atom bomb explosion many lodt their lives and were wounded and some densely populated cultural place got destroyed, so it is a big thing to try to replace emotionally and in practice. In practice other towns will rise to the task but do it in their own ways, the world has changed like in hudtory often happens. In repairing emotionally tpuching things one ought to wish well for the world at large, eben slightly wishing well is better than not at all, since many things need correcting and wishing well in a spiritually beautiful healthy kind of way can help to correct the damage. Generally if a loss and/or a danger is big, one feels better if one takes careto not to worsen the situation at all, kind of trying to be a center for recovery, living a modest life that is good to vontinue along. Usually one can vhoose which group one identifies with and move to live there, kind of learning such life and such view to the world. "
J39. 5th of January 2022 Wishing well for the world, so that you have a positive effect on the world, makes the world's inner nature have a curing effect on your life.
J51. 17th of January 2022 Three days before Christmas I kind of dreamed half-awake that i was watching a map with Russia in it and there was marked in the north-west the island of Novaja Zemlja, which news told to have been bombed 1961, but that there had been Russian Santa Claus there and some gnomes, and so i tried in my mind undo the atom bombs onntheir behalf, and it seemed to work but ut was jyst some dream like picture as if drawn. It was three days before Christmas and the Russian Santa Claus said he woukd send each Russian a snow flake for Christmas and who will see what kinds of present manage to arrange for the next year. Later i absentmindedly thought of the question what to do if there isn't enough material for making presents, and thought that Russian maybe store large amount of some material that they were unable to use, so maybe Russian Santa Claus could get such materials. Lately there has been lot of mention of Sovjet Union in the news, as if Russian Santa Claus's view.
Here is the advice for undoing an atom bomb, just a guess though:
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