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Konnevitsan kirkonkellot * The church bells of Have to get rid of machines

From th blog text "Thoughts about magic" : 


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Konnevitsan kirkonkellot * The church bells of a place called something like "Have to get rid of machines"

The build environment and nature

I do not know if you can notice it from the pictures, but if the houses would be one storey lower than almost at the level of treetops, the trees would shelter the area and also the houses, while almost at the level of ordinary treetops shelters a little bit, whike just the houses topmost leaves the area as if bombed. The trees are natural and very complex to look at, so trees around make people wiser, happier and more skilled than living in a place without trees. 

With the trees are complex natural phenomena understood with wisdom of life, while only build things catching attention makes some or even all people somewhat enhineer like in understanding, rigid and stuck, without cultivating thibgs well for life for all fairly. 

Tvere is in Russia, maybe in Russian Carelia, a place called Konnevitsa, which name brings the association that the existence of machines in the world is a major catastrophe.  It has a view that one ought to figure out a way to live without machines, only pure unfractured nature in one's way of living and in those of the world. It is a view like birdsong at the edge of small woods, and like aiming at wild bird's wisdom of life, with it's tough realism and with it's beauty, with it's wisdom in the wide world. See in Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. About Kalevala, see B38. at (it is in the first book of the "Christmas Gnomes Internet Institute", see ). I know nothing of Konnevitsa, but it is famous for it's chrurch bells. 

There is a dream that without machines there would be original wisdom of nature in the ways of living, even magic.

Of machines one of the problem are the square stuck nonreactive ways of thinking of engineering. To be wise lne should observe more and do things in ways that are good for the world and good for oneself and one's living environment, in healthy natural ways that have wisdom of life like music. Such makes natural wholes work well together and so one gains more force and more wisdom, and one's understanding and that of the group encomoasses more areas of life, is wiser so. It is also more natural, so all are happier and more at ease, even though there are many sides to lufe, and like is the idea in being a living being, lufe situations vary and so one lives with emphazis on dixferent sides of lufe according to the situation. And likewise there are many kinds of individuals, sowhat is detailedly describing good for one often isn't good for another, even ghough at a general level the optilns would be the same, the same ages old wisdom guiding. 

One problem with build environment is that it often leaves one fractured, without a natural way to mive and wander in the town. But if there are some trees etc, it helps to notice that one ought to look at them from the point of view of those who planted each tree, for example by the walkway to shelter and to make the place nice and atmospheric in nature's way, a miljo good to live, simikarly of those who plsnned, made the materials or buikd each small space & other parts of the houses etc. They thought of the near environment and of pleasant meaningful ways to live there for people and maybe some animals who feel that they suit such a place. But they were not able to plan the trees etc so well for the larger environment, at least nit in ways that taste so much lije life, so one must see the landscape as consisting of several much smaller miljoos, for example of apartment houses with theirnear environment, somewhere a big motorway leading people from work to hobbies, home and places they want to be in, making life much easier to bear, making lufe more worth living by allowing possibilities to change living environment. 

The nature environment is good for the youth learning : there are many kinds of shapes and structures, colours to look at and uneven terrain to wander in, lots a variations and shades, for one to get vocabulary for observing, understanding, moving in natural ways and using the senses. And it all is from the point of view of ages old life with full capacity and natural goals in lufe. 

This song or more like it's lyrical part (after the pictures of young birds) tells of the dream of the natural wisdom of the ages of old nature of humans and of the animals & the wild nature, some day conquering in the world, winning the world to better wiser life for all, but of course varied according to the natural environment.

" Oh, Finland, look: your day is dawning.

The threath of night has been dispelled away.

And the morning's bird sings in the brightness,

As if the whole sky would sing.

The powers of night are being won by morning's lightness. 

Your morning has begun, oh Birthland.

Oh rise Finland, lift high your head

With it's headband of great memories.

Oh rise Finland, you have shown to the world

That you drove away slavery

and that you did not get bend to under opression.

Your morning has begun, oh Birthland." 

If the world is of spirit

Some sides of magic are results of the world being of spirit. Such is often seen in people going different ways because choosing different things to tune themselves into. But the effect is larger than that, as if each person really would live kn a different world, each quite like their own character, like someone mostly keeping company to the nearest ones, while one more skilled in work like skills would seek possibilities to individually do something meaningful and share the viewpoint of some profession or the like. So much depends on how wise and charming those viewpoints are. Anyway, a different focus of attention creates different things, like for example most have noyiced each person in their habitual social emvironment having a style that seems to be typical to them, for example a certain way to be social and think of social kind of things, certain areas of life liked and used a lot in certain ways, a certain view of finery, moral, literature, practical matters, ways of doing etc. So one kind of wanders along those areas of lufe and meets different things. So even places are different for each, kind of exist much more for some, like for example does one fit the culture or social group or not. 

Canadian timber wolves 

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29th of October 2023   I collected these texts and the short melodies of snow to a booklet "Thoughts about magic", which ught to be available at in a few days time.


 See eli and 

Also (see my books "Living with the four seasons" and "Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living", plus the booklet "Thousandfold intelligence and skill, easily!") 

( My melodies )


My books ought to be for sale at the Amazon internet bookshops, for example at .

Konnevitsa is in Russia. Konnevesi is in Finland. 

The internet gives the translation "vitsaus" = "scourge / plague / blight".

And "kone" is "a machine" in English, and "vesi" is "water" or maybe "a lake" in English. "Vesittyi" means plans got ruined like as if because of the building materials or the ground to build upon went very soft because of having gotten thoroughly wet. Like we planned to go there but we got lost right in the beginning, so we circled a little and just returned home. 


From my advices about the healthy natural ways of living :

" 110. The point of view of some men is very much according to education, kind of narrow and not so intelligent, not adapting to situations and not understanding the rest of the life in the society. It would be good to vary one's way of doing and one's way to approach things according to common sense and according to the situation: sometimes it is good to be practical, sometimes one needs a good memory, or educated thinking, common sense, motion, feelings or whatever suits the situation. Likewise when working it is good to notice the landscape of life at large with it'sphenomena: with it's social contacts, happenings, journeys, approaching holidays etc. Like that one can train one's common sense and one's understanding about life.

This way a more skilled person can learn to vary the rythm of writing on computer keyboard, so that one feels somehow more comfortable and the sound is nicer, better suited to other things to do and to listening one's own views.


18.11.2023   Linkkien yhteydessä kirjojani mainittu sivulla


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