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Summer cottage like life in town

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Kuivassa ilmastossa hiiret ehkä voisivat rakentaa vuoria ylimääräisestä suolasta

Kuuluisa nähtävyys Petra olikohan jossakin arabimaassa, kuivassa kuitenkin, tuo mieleen, että onko hiirillä tekemistä sen kallioperän laadun kanssa, ja onko se hiirten näytös mahdollisuudesta tehdä kallioerää tms ylimääräusestä suokasta ja kai hiirten jätöksistä. Vai ovatko hiiret täyttäneet aiemman luokaston moisella 'kalliolla'. 

Oil or remains of rottening waste etc but sold!

 I just have wondered of new ecological energy forms, like storing Arab desert's sun energy via some maybe possible bioligical process or a chemical reaction for example in dark coloured containers in the sun. Or maybe Arabs etc invented a long time ago a way to get rid of rottening corpses and other bioligical waste, and managed maybe produce so oil, which they sold for heating and for traffic etc.  (Time scales matter: one should not talk of fossil oil if it is from biological beings which have lived during the last hundred years or so, for exampke of some vegetables grown this year. So it is not an enermous extra factor like large amounts of prehistoric oil burning. ) 


  " I do not so well understand the Eurovision songs. Some later year somebody else's song was called Jezebel. Now I came to wonder did the name seek to say or ask how are people beautiful. So now just a moment ago I tried to compose of that subject: to be somewhat like this song and social with people around, maybe they or quite many would look beautiful: D,E,G(longer),short pause and after it somewhat glidingly A, F, E "

How one can influence things in the world

 I have written a lot, mainly advices in learning talents and wisdom of life. I do not know how widely my texts are read but at least lately often the atmosphere and some pictures of the Finnish news in the internet seem often affected by my latest texts, and it seems that the effect is in some way positive, so I guess my texts carry something in the world. If I then compare to texts that do not affect so much, those are not on as general level, so I guess one ordinarily needs to kind of solve things for very many different types of people and their life situations. So my texts are not about one single subject at a time, and especially not very complex constructions inside it, but instead seek to make life good now and in the future, for both the individual reading and her/his environment and for the world at large, and do so by mentioning general principles that are usually good to have in life, solve a lot of ordinary problems. One example is at th


 En ole tavannut ymmärtää politiikkaa, enkä poliitikkoja, enkä että missä ovat taitavia, mitä tekevät, milkaisia ovat, ym.  Nykyinen vaikutelmani on että ainakin jotkut suomalaiset poliitikot ovat kuin yliopiston ainejärjestöaktiiveja, jotka edustavat omaa ryhmäänsä, ja tajuavat, että esim ulkomaalaiset ainejärjeztöt yms ryhmät ulkomailla voivat olla eri intressiryhmiä, mutteivät oikein tajua, että heidän oman ainejärjestönsä sisälläkin voivat ihmiset olla erilaisia ja eri arvoin, ja sen sijaan, että huomaisi, kuja heistä on millainenkin ja mitä ratkottavia kysymyksiä on ja miten ne ratkoa, onkin kuin ainejärjestöllä olisi tyyli, johon tuo aktiivi kunkin kohdalla lähtee mukaan kuin kysyen että näinkö ja nyt näinkö ja sittenkö pitäisi vielä noita paoereita katsoa hetkisen tms. Eli onko tuo jotenkin toisin suuntautuneen tai esim paria sukupolvea vanhemnan näkökulna että miten päästä nuirten näkökulmasta kärryille? Mutta sitten siihen tulee lusänä efustaminen vähän kuin skriik skrääk me l

Please recommend my blogs detailedly

 I have over 110 blogs. And I have collected of them maybe 70 books. Even though some are trNslationf found from the web, because there was a too big demand for such abroad.  Please if you can recommend my texts, mention the major subjects and whom those suit, since it makes no sense to read advices of learning talents when one does not think straight ordinary things. And healing advices may help the ill, but Christmas gnome skills advices do not have such healing advices.  Also there are many texts of environmental questions, so woukd some read only some of them plys certain advices in learning skills etc?  And it is in the air that some guess I ought to write the thoughrs of others, when my own opinion is that people do not want so many, not even tvis many advices from one person. And that each person woukd be the best guess of who could write clesrly of one's own ideas, own insighg, wisdom of lufe, etc and tell of fascinating experiences and hints of good things to read, etc.  I

About helping those depressed because of environmental issues

 In the news there was told of Elokapina's demostration which had partly blocked some route to a government building. In atmosphere it sounded like academical type of thought opinions expressed by peaceful demonstration, but some being foreigners and people having different views on safety issues, plus some sitting on the stony stairs or ground and if they were foreigners, they maybe did not have heat insulating layer underneath and so they maybe died or at least needed to be carried away, and such happens because the persons were somehow out of their mind because of hot somewhere in warm countries and so they went to as cool as possible but were still too unwise. And in addition there was the imoression of some environmentalists having died because of being depressed because of lack of communication where there it ought to have been, since there was communication, but the views of important matters and of how such can be handled and how by whom differed a lot. I do not understand

Puulajeilta oppimisesta

 " On Sunday 30 June 2024, Kaisa Hannele Tervola <> wrote: Katoin netistä tervaleppäpuista tietoa, mutta siinä sanottiin mm että tahmeat lehdet, eihän se ole tervettä ollenkaan. Toivoin, että tervolan kimppuun hyökkäilemisen saisi loppumaan tuolla, lepytettyä, muttei se näytä olevan lllenkaan niin, vaan kauhistus koko puu väärin nimetty, luulen. Argentiinalainen nainen joka on muuttanut Afrikkaan ja sieltä Suomeen, olisi tuln tyylinen, kamalan hyökkäileväisiä!, eli olisiko ensinnä mieleen tuleva nimi pillunyrkki tms, ja kun sitten miettii, että mikä siinä menee pieleen, mikä aggressoivisuyden aiheuttaa, niin olisi seuraavsksi mieleen tuleva nimi sille insinöörinheila. Muttei noi oikein puiden nimiltä caikuta. Mutta onko nykymaailnassa niin, että tuollaiset säilyvät, mutta esim minä olisin lähinnä heinä tai pikkulintu tms eläin, pois tieltä väistävä ainakin osan aikaa.  Koivu olisi tälleen ajatellen jotain sellaista kuin "yritetään tätä nyt sivis

My books

 See   *  29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see  which ought to lead to   * 1st of August 2024

Heinäpeti lehmillä

 Olin kesällä 1998 maatalouskoulun vuoden mittaiseen Luontais- ja metsätalouden perustutkintoon liittyvässä työharjoittelussa ruotsinkielisellä biodynaamisen viljelyn maatilalla. Siellä oli muistaakseni kaksi lehmää navetassa, jossa niillä oli muutama metri kertaa muutama metri korotettu alue heinästä ja niiden jätöksistä, uusi olkikerros entisten päälle, jos meni likaiseksi, niin heinäpeti tuotti lämpöä ja ei muistaakseni ollut likaisen tai pöpöisen oloinen vaan jotenkin kiva. Olisiko siinä yksi kiva ratkaisu pienille lehmämäärille? 

New book series "Of walking in beauty"

As blog    Here in a pile are the books in the series "Of walking in beauty", except the three latest ones.   At least to begin with, the series "Of walking in beauty" includes the books (in no special order):  Of walking in beauty Weather skills for all climates Living with the Four Seasons A sorcerer, books 1. - 3. My translations of some poems of Eino Leino and Kalevala Some texts about feelings and wisdom of life Wonderful, miracle like beings Magnifient views: and nice to live in Singing experience of life and healthy natural ages old ways of living  See or . * 14th of July 2024   See also

"Dwenda", a feeling of tge beauty of nature and learning new talents etc

 " Travel to your dream destinations with Dwenda travels,Dwenda travels is a way of looking so that one gets a feeling of utter beauty of nature and learns great new talents etc, 8th of July 2024   Of the name Dwenda, I am good at theoretical thinking, so I suggested a name connected with wise ways of thinking, D, which appear to fit together with the nature, in questions of northmost America the trees there, and a kind of wider fascinating spgere of lufe and of undwrstanding and skills with a tale like charm of the northern forests, snow, nature and the seasons there, like what is the charm of some books there and my view of how to learn new skills, talents and a way of lufe suited to an area that one would like to live in and whose seasons, weathers, type of nature imoressions and their atmospgwre sensstions, etc one is fascinated by. And my imoression about traditional ways of life in the quite north, and of the ways of living of wildlife in the north. But these wete jyst imord

To Asian fishes and sealife

 I send this to some Borneo wildlufe travel:  " I was some 40 years ago as a child travelling in South-East Asia and in Thailand we swam kn the sea. And now that I have written a lot, it came to my mind that the sea was somehow of a different feel, as if the fishes etc had lost some wisdom because of too much buikd shores, people luving in large towns, etc. So it came to my mind that my texts about tranquil... in and the Easy quick school for animals at maybe could help, if you read them and learned with friendly animals around, maybe some bird interested in fishes. There are also other intetesting texts in my blogs, but I do not know whom they suit. " 

Weathers etc like wine

 See    * 30th of July 2024   Free good qualitys ages old wines info, weathers like wines, wines from the internet with immediate download : see and via links from there. 

Ihmiskunnan tuhosta joidenkin tavoitteena

 Heräsin aamulla uneen vanhasta valukuvasta, jossa puutalo, sorarinne ja kuusia muttei aluskasvillusuutta, Klondike se tuntui sanovan. Sitten katsoin jotain tanssivideota gipsy kings, jossa nainen lmi niin sosiaalisuuteen suuntautunut kuin mahataudissa, että voisitko sinä nyt huolehtia kaikesta elämään tarvittavasta, kun nyt vain sairastan. Ja silti tuo oli kai elintilan vähyyttä kukn ei mues olisi ymmärtänyt naisten piirteiden liittyvän vaalivuuteen, joka liittyy elinolousta ja elämäntapojen joistakin piirteistä huolehtimuseen, joka on välttämätöntä perheilke ja yhteiskunnille, mutta mues jätti sille niin vähän tilaa kuin transulle, joka vain näyttelee mokomia elämänviisauden piirteitä, tai niin kuin soran verran maisemassa tilaa aluskasvillusuudelle vain. Niin että jos tuosta mennään huonlmmaks ja mietitään aasialaista asumassa kaupungissa, joka on ihan cain neluskanttisista ikävistä levyistä tms rakennettu, vailla juuri vihreää, niin tulisiko siitä niin huono olo, että haluaisivat t

My new blog / book "Weather skills for all climates"

  My new blog "Weather skills for all climates", with links to my free ebooks and to some blog posts of mine, see   For the book see either  , see , or .  

"Tranquil peace and beauty, serene fracturelessness and healthy wisdom of life"

 "  Try to follw these two advices fully:  1. An ok angel  "  ( The Finnish word for an angel is "enkeli", in which "en" means "No, I am not...", and "keli" means weather to travel in, and those both have to be taken into account: freedom to folliw one's likibgs in miral ways, and takkng the situations into account, the situations of all, and folliwing civiluced valyes and healthy wisdom of life. ) 27th of April 2024    Learned from changing weathers demanding individual judgement to stay alive, like the melting of the ice cover of a lake in the spring time.  16th of April 2024   First, follow civiliced values with good quality. Then have some independency, the right to refuse, so as to have some personal fracturelessness and healthy kibd of wisdom in lufe choices. Pay attention to weather like situatiobs: does the thing seem good, wished for in tge world, and for you right now, and for others, kibd of taking the ibfo of feelibgs in

Extinction Rebellion

  June 10, 2024 8:10 PM,  wrote: From: Kaisa Hannele Tervola E-mail: Region: Finland, European Union Message: Skills are based on what one does and how one does such, and one's goals, values, picture of the world, skills at large and ways of living, lufe situation, etc matter. So for choosing the best alternatives one ought to invest in those values, ways of doibg, strategies, etc which bring good results. Typically it means investing in many good optiobs at the same time, even if one does not know why all those would be needed. Often one finds solutiobs well if one thinks of the world being of spirit, so the opinions of others may matter with surprising areas of influence, like changing profession works better if one never goes near the old study circles and never talks about such subjects at all. So it would be like different worlds sometimes maybe meeting and some maybe parting forever, while showing interest to hear more of

Home beneficial for learning miracle healing and solving world's problems

 " Some videos : Beetle-home, etc  Beetle-home Beautiful village Stell balls moving My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything.   My books   "  From my blog  

Solutions are often on different roads, like in different worlds

 As I studied in the university, I wondered why the different sciences sounded like founded by single or a feq single individuals, who seemed to have had a good personal grasp of such things, and seemed to have thought that others would continue similarly with own insight and own strong skills, but in practice it seemed that all good ideas had been exhausted, and all students etc of the following generations did learn the thoughrs taught in the courses but did not figure out anything much on their own in the subjects.  Likewise I have noticed that like as a child all kuds had their own likibgs which were not so suited for others, also as an adult if one goes along somebody else's work lije perspective, obe jyst gers exhaustez, without getting any new results that way. Unless one changes enturely to one's own roads. So as I yesterday run into the subject apocalypse, I noticed that it was like the views of science fiction boojs: somebody's not-so-well working perspective had

A new blog/book "Magnifient views and nice to live in"

 Please see   9.4.2024 The blig together with some other blog pists, as a book free download at   "  15th of March 2024   You get magnifient looking views if you arrange them to be in a good way central in your room, when they look magnifient in your eyes just that moment, like for example a liked hobby running well or a tree outside the window somehow fitting your sense of charm. At some later moment you can arrange something of the rest of the room so that you do not need to overemphasize some fine view or fine thing when not feeling a need for such a charm so much right then. The goal is that all the things at home would be in their own way good for life and give room for varied types of activity, refreshment, stimuli, life according to one's wishes and needed things in a nice form that makes it easy to trust civiliced wisdom in estimating how much of each.  29th of March 2024,

"In a forest hut "Time passes, but husband hasn't returned" (a happy ending via wishing well and high skills)"

 "  I watched a music video of Korpiklaani ("forest dwelling men"), called something like A wordless land, which ought to be in the meaning life experience not put to words. It had English lyrics in the video description, but I do not know if the words were the point. They seemed to wonder, had it been possible for anyone to grow wheats here, since the ground and climate did not appear bringing large enough crops for farming. But as far as I know most of the lands in Finland were uninhabited forests, but the more fruitful pieces of land are niwadays typically fields, even though some of them for grasses for animals. There used to be more swamps, but those were dried at some point in history, and the resulting landscape of hills and lakes is much nicer for life.  But how did people in the old times live in a forest hut? As far as I know thry did some farming and fishing, maybe also had some animsls, but those were mostly for one's own use plus some exchange with neigh

If the world is of spirit

 " In addition there may be at least momentary kind of spiritual influencies from different people etc, and that may affect also real world concretical happenings and other concretical things, typically toward the style, quality, social wishes and/or typical tendency of the personal life of the person sending the influencies, for example did something get broken or ill, was there social encounters with certain types of people, what did one happen to read in a magazine, email or latest news, who reacted to such in which ways, etc. Was the landscape nice or as if covered by some malicious deed of destruction of good life, how did things turn out, was there some accident or crime around, or just ordinary life, even wishing well and good luck for the long run, was the road easy or hard,...  "  From my blog