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Making deserts green

 There are in the video site fine videos about counteracting desertification and making deserts green at least kn China and Sahara. I try if i can find the videos, but meanwhile here are some other videos on the subject. 

At least one trick was to have bunches of hay on the ground and it gathered moisture and bought shadow and so it was possible to have grass and after that plant trees. 

28.8.2022   Make a search "tulva arabi". The warmer the air ( on a coastsl area? ), the more water it can have. If it for some reason ( night or weather phenomenom ) then cools, it can rain heavily, causing floods. 


4th of December 2023   In my experience if there is very dry sand and one pours water upon it, the water flows downwards upon the upmost layer of dry sand, getting only some sand aling it, and the trace of it's route is mostly fully dry, only slightly blurred from losing the upmost thin layer of sand or dust or small pieces of dri grass. For the ground to keep the water the ground must be moist and of quite even height or with lots of places for small puddles of water. If one wants to collect the rain water, one ought to have barrels at the corners of the roof of a house and pipes leading to the barrels. Or a rain water drain leading to an underground container, which maybe ought to be a layer of stones of a diameter of one to few centimeters and with air between and above soil or sand and plants with long roots and an ability to bear both dry hot weather and possibly flood, plus animals wishing well for the plants and the weather, etc. 

12. (Was it??) of February 2024   My impression of pictures of Arabs in Arab coubtries is as if they lacked memory of the atmospheres of certain pieces of certain times of the day or night and maybe of detaiked content of those moments of the day which were not their average lufe, but instead disturbed by some factor as if shaken because of such in their lives. One typical reason for lising memory is getting scared or getting outside one's normal habitual sphetes of life. Another typical reason is lack of bacteria on the skin, which is for quite many a memory of how they have lately lived. The skin getting much too cold produces something like a feeling of fatness or of needless botles or of medicine overdose. The lack of memory of the Arabs seems to be of a different kind, typical to obe caught in a heavy downpour of rain unorepared in indoors clothes maybe meant for gardening too, but getting in and the dry air indoors drying lne's clothes in a minute or even less, and the fabric feeling quite normal, so the incident forgotten and ordinary lufe continued but as if there was to remember something heavy connected with arms, is it a memory of a wet shirt. 

23th of February 2024   I found a video of a flood due to heavy rain in Arab countries : 

26.2.2024   Jotenkin, kun vertaan arabimaita mielessäni kartalla Intiaan, mieleeni nousee väite, että jos arabimaiden ilman lämpötila olisi sama kuin New Delhissä, niin arabimaissa sataisi. Jos maailma on henjeä, niin ilman lämpötila liittyy jotenkin siihen, miten eletään, mm missä tunnelmussa, kai määräytyy siitä. Mikä siis New Delhissä aiheuttaa viileyden silloin kun on tavallusta viileämpää, mikä asenne? Viileyttä siellä aiheuttaa kai jonkinlainen huoli, kuin maisemaa katsellen istuutuisi alas miettimään, että kuinkas nyt tämän kaiken ratkaisemme, ajattelee miettivänsä työnteon näkökulman tuella, kun se on aika sateisen tunnelmainen. 

18.4.2024   I watched only the beginning but the video looks like filmed in darkness, kind of blurred round peaceful yet afraid of monsters maybe lurking somewhere near by, kind of relaxed yet not fully knowing how things are. I think I remember someone having said of some dry place that "yes, in the morning the cars jyst were in different places." In a dry place the cats would have dried quite fast. 

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14. kesäkuuta 2024   Joskus nettiä vaiko kännykän karttaa selatessani törmäsin otsikkoon, että kaikki historialluset kuuluusat paikat eivät olleet niillä paikoin kuin mitä mainostetaan, ja kartassa oli jokkn iso maamerkki merkitty keskelle Saudi-Arabian niemimaata, jolloin tulin kauhistuneesti naurahtaneeksi, että ei kai Alexandrian kuuluisa kirjasto ollut siellä, ja koko niemimaa mennyt siitä ihan kuivaksi niin, että oli keksittävä jokin uusi yritys. Mutta kuivat kirjat kai liittyvät opiskelupakkoon tai siihen, että joku tyrkyttä ei-niin-hyvälaatuisia ja siksi raskaslukuisia kirjoja muka hyvinä tai ylipäätään kirjoja vapaa-ajalla, kun ihan muunlainen tekeminen kiehtoo enemmän. Mutta voisihan koettaa poimia oikein kivoja hyvälaatuisia kirjoja, joilla on taipumus tuoda kiva, hyvä lukukojemus, ja perustaa tunne keskelle erämaata tms esim nettikirjasto, josta ladata ekirjoja, kuhunkin maahan sopivia, niissä vain lukisi "New Alexandrian Library" tms. Niin näkisi, voiko siitä saada positiivista paikallusilmastoa esim hiirten yms avulla. Aurinkosähköä luulusi riittävän. 


10th of Augist 2024   A squid maybe needs salty water to flourish like the life on a coral reef, and may be quite angry if the water is too mild. So animal etc life in the sea can maybe show and wish for to where excess salt might be good to transfer. And with such groupshelping, with the support of the living kind, it may be possible to transfer salt even to far away locations where the slat creates flourishing life conditions. 


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Easy quick school for animals * Eläimille koulu

Eläimet joskus kyselevät nopeaa kunnollista koulua eläimille, lähinnä koirat ja linnut, mutta tänään ykis talvehtimisesta huolissaan oleva kärpänen kyseli sitä. Tässä yksi versio . 17.1.2021   Kopioin tuon eläinten koulun tähän: " maanantai 14. syyskuuta 2020 Easy quick school for animals, especially pets and birds  Animals which associate closely with humans, especially pets, ofr example dogs, sometimes ask if there could be a school for animals too. I have written advices about learning common sense like objective thinking and about fitting into the society, so here is my version of a kind of school for animals: 1) Thinking: use a landscape like view that observes structures. Good practise for this is looking at familiar scenes and landscapes with trees and some life in them. Trees and nature make observation ability better and join the sense of sight to...