Tollanen idea rahapulaan laajemminkin, Jos se toimii, niin ainakkn alkuun ohjeita voisi myydä netissä myös ulkomaille, jolloin ne tosin tarvitsisi kääntää, mutta potentiaalinen markkina-alue olisi laaja. Mutten itse osaa tuota järjestää.
" 1st of September 2021 Money for music or for a puppy that one likes or for the poor and quite poor, money for food, money for farmers who lack money, etc, money for buying a white curing (nurse oriented or the like) animal friend, money for living around voluntary labour for religiously motivated good causes, money for sports, recreation in nature and hobbies, etc, see I 105. in this text about the skills of Christmas gnomes . The idea was curing by my Finnish blog , partially translated at , by reading aloud or by email or chat copying and pasting primarily from the index but also the needed texts. Paying only if gets cured inside 5min, payment some 20%of local medicine centre basic fee per cured illness, special pay for miracle cures. But I do not have the possibility for such since I am already too much in the subject because of having written the blog. "
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