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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on syyskuu, 2024.

Kuivassa ilmastossa hiiret ehkä voisivat rakentaa vuoria ylimääräisestä suolasta

Kuuluisa nähtävyys Petra olikohan jossakin arabimaassa, kuivassa kuitenkin, tuo mieleen, että onko hiirillä tekemistä sen kallioperän laadun kanssa, ja onko se hiirten näytös mahdollisuudesta tehdä kallioerää tms ylimääräusestä suokasta ja kai hiirten jätöksistä. Vai ovatko hiiret täyttäneet aiemman luokaston moisella 'kalliolla'. 

Oil or remains of rottening waste etc but sold!

 I just have wondered of new ecological energy forms, like storing Arab desert's sun energy via some maybe possible bioligical process or a chemical reaction for example in dark coloured containers in the sun. Or maybe Arabs etc invented a long time ago a way to get rid of rottening corpses and other bioligical waste, and managed maybe produce so oil, which they sold for heating and for traffic etc.  (Time scales matter: one should not talk of fossil oil if it is from biological beings which have lived during the last hundred years or so, for exampke of some vegetables grown this year. So it is not an enermous extra factor like large amounts of prehistoric oil burning. ) 


  " I do not so well understand the Eurovision songs. Some later year somebody else's song was called Jezebel. Now I came to wonder did the name seek to say or ask how are people beautiful. So now just a moment ago I tried to compose of that subject: to be somewhat like this song and social with people around, maybe they or quite many would look beautiful: D,E,G(longer),short pause and after it somewhat glidingly A, F, E "

How one can influence things in the world

 I have written a lot, mainly advices in learning talents and wisdom of life. I do not know how widely my texts are read but at least lately often the atmosphere and some pictures of the Finnish news in the internet seem often affected by my latest texts, and it seems that the effect is in some way positive, so I guess my texts carry something in the world. If I then compare to texts that do not affect so much, those are not on as general level, so I guess one ordinarily needs to kind of solve things for very many different types of people and their life situations. So my texts are not about one single subject at a time, and especially not very complex constructions inside it, but instead seek to make life good now and in the future, for both the individual reading and her/his environment and for the world at large, and do so by mentioning general principles that are usually good to have in life, solve a lot of ordinary problems. One example is at


 En ole tavannut ymmärtää politiikkaa, enkä poliitikkoja, enkä että missä ovat taitavia, mitä tekevät, milkaisia ovat, ym.  Nykyinen vaikutelmani on että ainakin jotkut suomalaiset poliitikot ovat kuin yliopiston ainejärjestöaktiiveja, jotka edustavat omaa ryhmäänsä, ja tajuavat, että esim ulkomaalaiset ainejärjeztöt yms ryhmät ulkomailla voivat olla eri intressiryhmiä, mutteivät oikein tajua, että heidän oman ainejärjestönsä sisälläkin voivat ihmiset olla erilaisia ja eri arvoin, ja sen sijaan, että huomaisi, kuja heistä on millainenkin ja mitä ratkottavia kysymyksiä on ja miten ne ratkoa, onkin kuin ainejärjestöllä olisi tyyli, johon tuo aktiivi kunkin kohdalla lähtee mukaan kuin kysyen että näinkö ja nyt näinkö ja sittenkö pitäisi vielä noita paoereita katsoa hetkisen tms. Eli onko tuo jotenkin toisin suuntautuneen tai esim paria sukupolvea vanhemnan näkökulna että miten päästä nuirten näkökulmasta kärryille? Mutta sitten siihen tulee lusänä efustaminen vähän kuin skriik sk...

Please recommend my blogs detailedly

 I have over 110 blogs. And I have collected of them maybe 70 books. Even though some are trNslationf found from the web, because there was a too big demand for such abroad.  Please if you can recommend my texts, mention the major subjects and whom those suit, since it makes no sense to read advices of learning talents when one does not think straight ordinary things. And healing advices may help the ill, but Christmas gnome skills advices do not have such healing advices.  Also there are many texts of environmental questions, so woukd some read only some of them plys certain advices in learning skills etc?  And it is in the air that some guess I ought to write the thoughrs of others, when my own opinion is that people do not want so many, not even tvis many advices from one person. And that each person woukd be the best guess of who could write clesrly of one's own ideas, own insighg, wisdom of lufe, etc and tell of fascinating experiences and hints of good things t...