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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on joulukuu, 2023.

Free last moment Christmas presents

 See   I.e. the blog together with it's links. You can nowadays reach it also by the address . Hyvää joulua!  * * * Also via  which leads to my blog which has the thinking course and a link to the Easy, quick school for animals.  * * * Some of my books as internet pages or sold at Amazon etc, see

Indoors somewhat like a forest

 "   In Savonlinna at Kaartilantie 15B24 where there was a forest patch outside the window, and I had my two knee high companion dogs, but still did not feel fully comfortable indoors. Once my pets or mice or the luttle singing birds in the trees outside the window, said ghat they had decided to try forest like way of keeping the indoors. It went something like having ordinarily nucely tidy first. Then if I tended to read the newspaper in a certain place and put it aside near by, such was jyst a pile of leisurely tossed similar things, left on a good moment like that kind of action, not touched later, like fallen leaves. Or if I had somewhere a small carpet or an old newspaper sheltering the floir, and it at some occasion got tilted under the feet of a moving dog, it too was left as it was, since it looked nicer so. Byt if something did not feel good, it I removed and arranged the place and the room tidy and nice again. Like for example a carpet in a bunch with magnifient looks af