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Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on tammikuu, 2023.

Naisten asemasta * Women's position like that of others

* * *  Katso osa 23. kohdat, joissa on bold-kirjasimin sana "position". Mutta nuo ovat aseman saamisesta kaikille, ja osa ainakin ihan tavallista osaamista, joka joiltain naisilta on hukkunut johonkin.  "  W7.   Often one gets along and gets solid  position  when one respects the values of the area of life at hand and tries to learn it's skills in a good quality way and cultivate them well in ways that respect that area's values and motivation and what livibg in a society needs for the society to be good to live in, now and in the future.  W8.   What people get  position  from and how they get treated, is from what they do from momentvto moment, which are the values followed in that, which level of skills in each thing done or thought of, and what is the way of being social, and is it fair, honest, responsible, etc.  " W11.   " If you want a better   position , the rule "Live and let others live!" F60. in the Christm